AquaCrystal Collection
Mineral - Berillo Acqua/Aqua Beryl
Origin - Brasile/Brazil
Acrylic base - 45*45 mm
The Romans believed that beryl could only originate in India. The most highly prized varieties, as noted by Pliny the Elder, were those with an aqua-green color (aquamarine), and then, those with a golden color. Emerald is a type of beryl. It is associated with perseverance and efficiency.
Minerale fluttuante in basetta acrilica.Le immagini sono rappresentative del prodotto. Ciascun minerale è differente ed unico. Scopri tutta la collezione AquaCrystal!
Mineral floating in an acrylic base. Images are representative of the product. Each mineral is different and unique. Discover the entire AquaCrystal collection!